Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This just in! Rihanna is dating………………..

Me? I have decided that in this game of musical chairs of beaus, boyfriends and escorts seen with pop singer Rihanna, I too would throw my hat in the ring. I mean after all, commiseration is the foundation of any solidly dysfunctional relationship, am I right?

Scene: Rihanna and I fight through the paparazzi to nestle ourselves in a quiet little Café on Rodeo Drive. She is wearing a 1 shoulder piece, something Vera Wang-ish. Her hair flopped to the side, hiding one of her eyes. I assume they are both covered with the same arrow shaped charcoal eye shadow, but I cannot confirm. I am wearing the standard plaid shorts, white T-shirt and baseball cap tilted ever so slightly to the right to add a hint of “look at me, I’m an asshole!” From 30,000ft the white t-shirt seems a bit boring, but really it’s a psychological play. This T-shirt represents a blank canvas for Rihanna to work with. White = Purity, a sign of goodness and renewal. Exactly what she needs in her life. Since this is my fantasy, I have to grin as Fleetwood Mac’s “Rhiannon” is playing softly in loop in the Café.

Our 1st date is not unlike anyone else’s….the interview format organically takes shape. Only then can 2 potentially star-crossed lovers realize if they are compatible.

I dig into my usual bag of tricks and start off with a sports related question. I go fishing with….

“So? How about those Fightin’ Philadelphia Phillies?” (Jesus! Why did I bring up a Philly sports team, I hate those dirty sons of….interruption)

"Oh I love baseball! Growing up in Barbados, we would play stickball at recess. I grew up watching all the Yankee games on TV.” (Evil Empire invades paradise…no shock there.)

“But I do root for Philadelphia in everything, my fans there are so loyal.” (fans? You mean those Veruca Salt lovin’ rich kids whose parents don’t know shit about sports? I have to respond)

“Yeah, that’s cool. But you have to agree that Philadelphia is horrible in every way, right?”

“What do you mean horrible? Philadelphia, the city?”

“Well I was originally thinking the sports teams and their fans, but now that you mention it…yeah the entire damn city. The town is synonymous with losing and complaining about losing. Even after they finally won the World Series last year, everyone I know that is a Phillies fan didn’t seem excited; rather they seemed relieved that those shit-heads “didn’t blow it”. And that is in part true because the bar of losing is raised and revolutionized in Philadelphia every year. The Eagles, 76ers, Phillies, Flyers……it's like they think they get style points for creative losing. And don’t even mention the Philadelphia Soul winning the AFL championship, that’s like routing for Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the Intercontinental Championship Belt.”

“Well, at least the baseball mascot is cute. My dad bought me a Phanatic piñata for my 13th birthday party. It was awesome; filled with nothing but snickers mini bars…my absolute favorite. What is your favorite candy?”

“Cute? You gotta be kidding me? The Philly Phanatic is the dumbest mascot ever. Its    looks like a child molesting clown/alien hybrid. It’s not entertaining; it’s scary that it doesn’t have anything to do with the city or the sports teams. If you wanted a more accurate representation of philly, get a fat guy, dress him like Andy Duphrane after his swim through 5 football fields of raw sewage, put a cheese steak in his hand and teach him nothing about sports.

The true Axis of Evil?



(At this point, Rihanna is starting to stare at me like a mental patient stares at something they think might be edible. I decide to forgo my rant that would have included taking down Philly’s fictitious icons: 1. a punchy boxer (Rocky) and some loser who caught 2 NFL passes (Papale) to which they even made a shitty movie in his honor starring Mark Walberg. Take notice that Scorcese let Marky Mark live in the Departed not because he is a “profound” actor….Marty just has a sinister sense of humor. But I digress…)

“Any-who, what other kind of sports are you into? Since you live in LA now you probably got sucked into the LA Laker-celebrity crowd like Nicholson and DiCaprio.

“more like I got sucked in with Bynum and his Pog collection.” (She whispers under her breath)

“what’s that?”

“Oh nothing… Yeah I definitely dig the Lakers. My seats are actually pretty good too; my publicist bought them off of Kiefer Sutherland. Apparently he can never get to the games with his schedule. Jack Bauer is too busy saving the United States to take time out to relax and watch some hoops! (She says, jokingly. Not bad for the first attempt at humor from the pop princess. A good sign for me, this means that she is getting comfortable and has moved on from my initial sports snafu. I oblige…)

“Maybe Jack Bauer finally cracked? Maybe he realized that his days don’t coincide with the Roman calendar and that in fact 1 Bauer Day = 22 actual weeks. (I continue to describe a scenario where he immediately proceeds to drink, causing him to estrange from his father and sign on to star in another eventual Joel Schumacher flop, being filmed in Tibet.)

Not even the Caped Crusader could escape Joel Schumacher's directorial touch of death!   


(Victory is mine. this was my cue to keep going but alas I am interrupted by the waiter bringing in our meals. There was no Black and Bleu Burger w/ fries on the menu to accompany my Jack&Coke so I settled for the Panino alla Salsiccia · Homemade chicken sausage panino with braised red onions, radicchio and oven roasted tomatoes served with green salad. I made sure to fork around the salad to make it look like I ate some of it, a masterful skill I acquired as a 6 year old eating mom’s meatloaf twice a week. My meal itself looked like a baby bird tried to fly but fell to its death and landed on a wafer cracker then was buried in onions and arugala. Rihanna, much to my surprise got theBistecca Chiantigiana · Grilled Prime N.Y. steak served with Chianti reduction sauce and sautéed wild mushrooms. This went well with her Evian $6 bottle of tap water w/ lemon.)

“That looks fantastic!” (I exclaim as I secretly hate her for 1. ordering something bigger and manlier than me & 2. ordering the most expensive item on the goddamn menu. Wait it gets worse)

“Yeah yours looks tasty too. I would ask for a bite but I am getting over a recent cold”

(ok now I get it. The date in my mind is completely over. The wind has been taken out of my sails. The turndown of my dead bird lunchable + the comment of “a recent cold” means that she doesn’t find me attractive enough to swap germs. No first base. Now I will be added to the list of Rihanna suitors, undoubtedly coined by that shithead, Perez Hilton as the weird, chubby, bearded white guy. Rihanna will predictably react through the media, explaining that she met with me over lunch to discuss how to Feng Shui her beach house.)

Hey Rihanna, did you know I can sit on a popsicle and tell you what flavor it is!?

“So I guess since we are reposed and the ice has been cracked if not broken…why did you agree to meet with me? I sent that Facebook message to you without ever imagining you’d respond, let alone ask me out on a date!” (would have been nice if she would have covered the air fare.) “I didn’t want to come off like the “Craigslist Killer” or something” (oh god, the first major bomb. That joke probably smelled worse than her feet did, suffering the 90 degree LA heat in suede UGG boots.)

(A weird silence explodes as she motions for the waiter to get her a box for her uneaten $55 steak. She carefully packs up her lunch, sans mushrooms.)

“I just thought a laid back lunch with an average joe would be a nice change of pace. You remind me a lot of the men from my island.” (Remind you how? I’m not the black, slender, barefooted hunter in a loin cloth stabbing at fish with the sharpened golf club I found-kind of man she probably grew up around)

“Oh yeah, how?”

“You have a great passion and sense of humor.” (ok she totally wants to lay me.)

“Well I’m glad I’m getting to know you as well, Rihanna. You are definitely a nice change of pace from the dogs that are usually attracted to me” (I teetered on that one for a while, but she eventually cracked a smile.)

“Ha! Speaking of dogs, I have a cocka-poo at home, Ginny. That is who I ordered the steak for, I hope you don’t mind.” (hee hee, she said cocka-poo. What a tick, did I just buy a dog that steak?)

(Hiding back the confusion of giggles and contempt, I say)

“Come again? (heh) You have a dog? Of course I don’t mind, that’s great!” (stupid bitch)

“I am a dog person too. I have a black lab.” (this is good, a black lab shows I’m not a dog racist, they’re good with kids…means I’m a kind, likeable guy)

(So we continue to chat for about 20mins or so about a number of things. Love, life and Journey (the band of course.) She tells me her dog is named after Ginny Sac from theSopranos, which I love. I tell her about how I think Matthew McConaughey is wasting his talent doing douchey mindless romantic-comedies where if he could focus for just 2 minutes on acting he could be this generation’s Marlon Brando. Things are going great until the check comes.)

“Thanks, ill take that.” (I say to the waiter as I grab the check with my shaky hand that looked more like Judy Garland’s alcoholic claw. My mind has been calculating the entire time (mixed drinks, martinis, wine, appetizers, sherbet to cleanse the pallet, meals, dessert, coffee w/ baileys, etc… I figure it’s gotta be in the ball park of…. (I look)…HOLY SHIT.)

“If it’s a lot, I can pay.” (She offers in a verbal slap to the man sac.)

“no, no…eh hem…(I clear my throat). I would be happy to treat you. Besides I have 2 Slumdog Millionaire Child actors in my car for such an occasion…. should be a fair barter.”

(After I pay with my credit card that I swear started to perspire, we get up to leave. At that point I realize that for a little over an hour I have spoken to a woman without seeing both of her eyes. Which is weird at first because you feel like you’re dating a Cyclops or the Oakland Raiders pirate, but it’s actually becomes comfortable. You really only have to focus on one eye rather than do that thing where you try to look at both eyes while conversing but then eventually look at the bridge of the woman’s nose and then rotate between that and her chest. Really didn’t tire me out as much as it normally does.)

(We sneak out through the kitchen’s back door, hop into Ms Rihanna’s Mercedes SLK500 and speed away from the paparazzi. I start to wonder if this is the same car that provided the backdrop for the heavyweight fight between her and Mr. Breezy. Then I think about the opening scene to Stomp the Yard and start to smile.)

“Where are we headed?” I ask as I take a swig of Rihanna’s VitaminWater.

“I thought we’d head up to my recording studio and lay down a track together. I am going to start putting a random fan appearance on every new album I put out. The ad exec’s tell me it’s the next big thing in music. I will be the first to do it. With all the illegal downloads, we gots to keep coming up with new ideas, always trying to make history.”

“Well then, Shut-up and Drive!” (waiting, waiting….….damn. nothing.)

(For the rest of the car ride I felt like Kim Basinger in the movie Batman where Michael Keaton saves her life than drives scarily through the dark woods towards the Bat Cave. I pass out……………….)

Okay, I have to set this clip up in order for it to make sense...

Museum = the cafe

Joker's henchmen = the paparazzi

The Batmobile = Rihanna's 'Benz

Batman = Rihanna

Vicki Vale = me

Everything else is pretty accurate except for the random fight between Batman & the henchmen. I really only need to illustrate about 30sec of this video starting at the 5min mark, so if you are impatient...just fast forward.

(Groggy and dazed I wake up in my apartment. My 35mm camera lay on the floor, missing a roll of film. I sniff…what the hell is that smell? I scurry over to the bathroom to discover floater in the toilet. My head started to spin…..Was I foiled by Rihanna? Did she drug me and bring me back home to dispose of me? Was this a dream or some kind of sick love game? And finally, did she leave a terribly malodorous shat in my apartment? I drop to my knees and let out a shrill cry.....my phone begins to ring in the other room. “Dum Dum De Dum, Dum Dum de Dum Disturbia, its like the darkness is the Light, Disturbia….”)

To be continued?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

NHL Thoughts

The NHL released the finalists for the Hart Trophy the other day. Lots of collective harumphing from Pens Nation over two things, 1) No Crosby (the finalists are Malkin, Ovechkin, and Datsyuk) and 2) it should go to Malkin. As for #1, Crosby did have a phenomenal year, but when you haven't even been the best player on your own team, how can you get an award for being the best in the league.

Geno (not Crosby or Ovechkin) is, in my humble opinion, the best all around player in the game. He's bigger and faster than Crosby, passes almost as well and finishes the puck better. Additionally, he's truly a two-way player, often disrupting opponents flow both in his own end and on the forecheck. Crosby is a better passer, and probably a better skater. He has the best vision and is the most creative player in the game, but right now, Malkin does more for the Pens. Obviously, I'm splitting hairs here, but after watching countless hours of Penguin hockey this season, I believe this to be true. Ovechkin is probably the biggest, fastest, meanest scorer the league has ever seen, but there are huge holes in his game. Defense, to Ovie, basically constitutes running guys and trying to record highlight reel checks, but he often takes bad angles and sometimes takes chances that hurt his team (think any number of 'me first' defenders in the NBA that foolishly jump passing lanes hoping for a breakaway dunk, leaving their team exposed the 6 or 7 times out of ten that they guess wrong). He takes too many dumb shots when he should be looking for his wide open teammates.

All that being said, the Hart Trophy is "given to the player judged to be the most valuable to his team", with the implicit understanding that this does not include to goaltenders, who are clearly the single most valuable players on the ice, and get their own trophy. There is simply no question that Ovechkin meets this requirement better than the other two finalists. Datsyuk plays on an all-star team. It's really saying something that he's able to stand out on a team so loaded with talent, but if you were to take him off that team, I think it's safe to say that they wouldn't be debilitated. Similarly, as good as we all know Malkin is, if we lose him to an injury tomorrow, we still have Crosby (as well as a more than capable back up center in Staal).

Your 2009 NHL MVP! (image from si.com)

Now take a second for me and try this on for size. How would the Capitals season have gone without Ovechkin. Niklas Backstrom and Alexander "Don't Call me Splooge" Semin were their next highest scorers, and how many of their points came because of plays made by Ovechkin? The man is their emotional leader. He makes the team go and keeps them fired up when things aren't going well (which makes you wonder what the hell Brashear was doing last week). With the award being termed as the most valuable to his team, there's no question the recipient should be Ovechkin.

Holy shit, what a first round! Couldn't have asked for it to end any better than that. On the home ice of the hated Fliers, down 3-0 halfway through, largely due to a bone headed mistake by Talbot, and they come back. Just incredible. Talbot was largely credited with turning things around by throwing down the gloves with Daniel Carcillo. I have two thoughts on this.
1) Carcillo has no business jumping in that fight. His team is up 3-0 and Talbot, who's a lot smaller than Carcillo, is clearly just trying to start something. If he just skates away and the fight doesn't happen, maybe the Pens don't get back into it. That being said, this is a classic case of reaping what you sow, Philly fans. When you value thuggery and tough guy hockey, it comes back to bite you in the ass. You all love Carcillo for having this attitude, but hockey just isn't like this anymore, especially not in the playoffs.
2) Why is it that someone fighting can fire up his team? Maybe it's because I never played hockey, but I sure as hell don't understand this. I mean, this doesn't work in any other walk of life. If things weren't going well at work, would you send over the craziest guy you work with to get his ass kicked by someone at your competitor's office? If Andy Bernard gets his ass kicked by Ryan over at the Michael Scott Paper Company, does Dunder Mifflin regain it's edge? No way.

Anyway, I know I'm not the first person to weigh in on this by any means. But I'm pretty sure the league has wanted this matchup (Caps-Pens) to happen since Ovie and Crosby were drafted a few years back. It's a good thing they set it up so that nothing could possibly go wrong with the telecast of Game 1.

West Coast Bias
It's been a lot of fun, as a hockey fan, living so close to the Canadian border. I get CBC, which means Hockey Night in Canada and a full on dose of Don Cherry every Saturday night. Also, I get to see a lot of less hyped Western Conference teams. When I used to live back in PA, I always dismissed the notion of the East Coast bias, but it's definitely there for almost everything (there's even a huge billboard sporting the new Snickers ad campaign that says 'Choclantic Ocean' on route-99 coming into downtown Seattle). I have to say, it's been a real treat to watch some of these Western Conference games this year. They play a little bit faster and cleaner brand of hockey than most of the east coast squads, and I actually think that overall, it's a stronger conference. Really looking forward to the Stanley Cup finals this year.

Don Cherry says 'Don't be like Ovechkin, be a man like me'

Let's go Pens! Beat the Crapitals!